Signed And Sealed

Cocktail created by John Cresswell, for the NZ regional finals of The Perfect Blend cocktail competition, Oceania 2017.

  • Ingredients

    45ml Maker’s Mark® 46

    7.5ml Laphroaig® 10 Year Old

    4 dashes homemade all spice tincture

    30ml sous vide roast pineapple & rhubarb Demerara sugar syrup

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    Dehydrated pineapple flower, grated nutmeg & 2 tarragon leaves


    Place all ingredients in a pewter mug/julep cup. Stir to combine ingredients and add crushed ice to 3 quarters full. Swizzle the drink 7-10 times (depending on room temperature), then add more crushed ice to the top and swizzle 3 more times. Top with crushed ice and garnish.


    Pewter mug / Julep cup

    John Cresswell

    Introducing the creator of Signed And Sealed, John Cresswell. John is a professional category finalist in The Perfect Blend Cocktail competition 2017 from New Zealand.