HomeNewsThe Specification Of Flavor By <p> Johannes Möhring</p>

The Specification Of Flavor By

Johannes Möhring


There’s no accounting for taste? We beg to differ – taste is definitely up for discussion and
can be made-to-measure. For bartenders, the ability to perceive and creatively combine
aromas – irrespective of their own preferences – is an essential tool. Ultimately, it is their
secret weapon for crafting excellent drinks and keeping their guests happy.

With this in mind, THE BLEND expands its “The Blends of the virtual world“ section by a
three-part masterclass on “The Specification of Flavor“ featuring Johannes Möhring.
Across three consecutive modules, the well-known mixologist, and Ménage Bar (Munich)
manager shows

  • How our sensory perception works
  • How hosts and bartenders can train their own sense of taste
  • And how they can get even more creative in their use of spirits


All three modules are divided into a basic foundation part and a complementary deep-dive
segment. Depending on personal preference and curiosity, participants can complete the
whole module or just pick the parts that interest them most:

Module 1: FLAVOR

How do we taste flavors?
Johannes Möhring explains how taste works and which signals our body perceives when we consume food or drinks. The foundation part of this module introduces the most
important flavor families and the history of taste research, while the deep dive focuses on “real” tastings, research trends, boundaries of taste – and creative ways to break the rules of flavor.

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How do our senses work?
Taste is a complex matter: all the stimuli and signals we perceive are transmitted to and processed by our central nervous system. In this module, our THE BLEND mentor
explains how the interplay of tasting and smelling resp. the gustatory and olfactory systems works. The basic part of this module deals with the fascinating world of sensorics.
The subsequent deep dive explores the propagation of taste inside the mouth as well as interactions between different signals like sour and bitter.



How can we combine aromas in a creative way?
The final module explores combinations and contrasts since the relationship between aromas can conjure up both flavor harmonies and exciting contrasts. Additional layers like texture or mouth feel complete the multi-sensory experience. The foundation part of this module covers food and flavor pairing as well as harmonious flavor combinations. The deep dive segment builds on this with a foray into food and flavor completing. Here, Johannes demonstrates how to use specific ingredients and preparation techniques to create complementary, contrasting aromas for drinks. The three consecutive modules are designed to give you an instructive introduction to this fascinating, expansive topic. We hope you enjoy the inspiration and make the most of it. After all, the broader your flavor and taste expertise – and the savvier your handling of aromas – the more you can offer your guests in terms of creativity, selection and excellent drinks.