HomeNewsJim Beam’s Digital BBQ Bash

Jim Beam’s Digital BBQ Bash

The Blend is all about bringing bartenders together. As you can imagine this has left us doing a bit of soul searching lately and spending a lot of time on zoom trying to work out the best way to keep nurturing our community (YOU GUYS!!!).

You will have already seen the launch of The Blends of the Virtual World” with Luke Whearty of BYRDI the first cab of the rank delivering spectacular concepts and insights directly to the cosseting bosom of your bean bag.

For our next trick, we want to bring as many of our Australian members together (safely) as we possibly can!
Instead of just nurturing your minds, we are planning a good ol’fashioned BBQ in celebration of the 225th anniversary of our beloved Jim Beam.

With special guests, food in your belly and liquor warming your ticker, this live BBQ is sure to bring y’all more than a few warm’n’fuzzies.

Register your attendance now and we will send out a kit to get your started on your own BBQ. Expect meat (or not meat), delicious fermented and distilled corn juice and some goodies in the post to help us bring in the big two-two-five.

Join us on Sunday the 28th of June at 5:00 pm AEST.